Thursday 12 of March of 1863, Guillermo Rawson, Minister of the Interior of president Mitre, he approved and he signed the planes and the budget which to order of the government Jonas Larguia, who towards little had returned of the Pontifical Insigne Academ
y I gave San Luca, of Rome had prepared the Cordovan architect, to that had been granted a scholarship by the government of Parana. The building would have to be elevated in the corner of the Balcarce streets and Victoria (today Hipólito Yrigoyen) and, in spite of the unusual layout that it offered the land, with its inherited oblique front of the old one hard, Larguia managed to solve the problem and to complete its planes in two months. Thursday 12 of May of 1864, left walking from the House of Government, president Mitre with their four ministers: Rufino de Elizalde, general Gelly and Obes, Eduardo Costa and Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield. In this enclosure of sessions the parliamentary activity, until during the events of 1880 related to

federalizacion of Buenos Aires, the steep transfer of senators and deputies took place until the neighboring town of Belgrano, in whose municipality passed (present Sarmiento Museum) sesionaron both legislative chambers. This situation extended during four months, until it found solution principle the conflict of powers between president Avellaneda and the governor of Buenos Aires, Weaving Carlos, and later I am definitively settled with the foundation of the city of the Silver, place of residence of the provincial authorities.
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